
Due to the wide scope of this site, not all content included will be covered by the same license.  Any licenses attached to specific content will apply to that content, overriding the blanket license specified here.

My portfolios and all related material may not be re-posted or duplicated in whole or in part.


Any articles I post on this site, unless otherwise specified or previously posted elsewhere, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.  If you are unfamiliar with what that means, please read the linked page for details on what you may and may not do with the majority of the posts I make on this site.

Limitation of liability

Some posts published on this site may include instructions, schematics, diagrams, ideas, or concepts which you may want to implement, test, or otherwise act upon.  If you elect to implement, test, or act upon information posted on this site, you do so at your own risk.  The author of the content, the owner and operator of this site, and everyone else related to the dissemination of this information are not to be held liable for any direct or indirect injuries, losses, and/or damages you or others incur as a result of following the instructions posted here.